How Did The Most Cybersecure Month of The Year End?

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October was cybersecurity month around the globe, but hackers didn’t know it. Cybercrimes continued to occur, data continued to leak, and companies continued to get hacked. Let’s talk about the events that happened while you were concentrating on other things.


News 1

Twelve people in Ukraine and Switzerland have been arrested for their suspected role in the attack on 1,800 companies globally. Just imagine, police officers from eight countries, including the FBI, were involved in the investigation. According to the news site The Record, the 12 people involved worked on the LockerGoga, MegaCortex, and Dharma platforms. The Europol Police Cooperative said the 12 men played various roles on the team. Some penetrated victim organizations, some moved within compromised networks, and others deployed malware.


News 2

The data of some of the world’s most powerful, rich, and famous people have leaked into the darknet after an attack on the exclusive British jewelry company Graff.

The data breach was probably committed by Conti, a Russian group supposedly based near St. Petersburg.  They posted 69,000 confidential documents onto the dark web.

Conti is demanding a ransom of tens of millions of pounds to prevent further disclosure of confidential information.

According to the Mail on Sunday, documents including customer lists, invoices, receipts, and credit records, were stolen.


News 3

Hackers are still taking advantage of people’s reluctance to get vaccinated against COVID-19. According to researchers at Kaspersky, scammers are selling fake Green Pass digital certificates for smartphones that confirm that the user has been vaccinated in Europe. It’s unclear how these fake digital certificates can fool the Green Pass system since certificates must have a digital signature to be valid. But this is further proof that developers creating vaccination verification applications should use better security practices.


News 4

Ransomware. The Toronto Transit Commission continues to recover from a ransomware attack that forced it to use a backup radio system to communicate with drivers. And in the U.S., Schreiber Foods is back on track after a ransomware attack forced it to shut down temporarily. ESET researchers warn companies that the Hive ransomware program can now encrypt Linux and FreeBSD servers.


News 5

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up, but not everything is rosy. Security company Fortinet is already warning consumers to be on their guard. You should be particularly vigilant while using Amazon:

– With prices that are too good to be true.

– That is supposedly out of stock, such as PlayStation and Xbox game consoles.

Also, don’t be fooled into downloading a supposedly free Amazon gift card generator. It’s malware that aims to steal the victim’s money.


News 6

Minecraft players should also be alert. Experts warn against clicking and downloading files from so-called alternative or “alt” lists on Minecraft forums. There is evidence of ransomware spreading through Minecraft forums in Japan, infecting individuals. Hackers may have the idea of spreading ransomware in this way to other countries.


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