Deepfake: Why Business Needs To Be Aware Of It

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Many people might have already heard the Deepfake term – a technology based on artificial intelligence that allows producing fake images.

In practice, Deepfake allows copying someone’s look, mimics, and voice.

Just imagine, in less than a year (from 2018 to 2019), the number of fake videos spread over the internet increased from 8000 to 14000.

How business is related to this fact?

Modern deception

Released last year, a British mini-series “The Capture” showed exactly how with a detailed plan and the deepfake video a person can be easily accused of a murder that he or she never committed.

Apart from cinema, this technology is also used for pranking politicians and Hollywood stars.

We once talked about how artificial intelligence was used by cybercriminals to steal £ 200,000.

The fraudsters were able to reproduce and fake the voice, timbre, and accent of a European company director.

Using a phone conversation, fraudsters requested one of the director’s subordinates to urgently transfer money to a specified account.

Given the absolute quality of the voice reproduction, a person on the other side of the phone call truly believed fraudsters and immediately processed the transaction without any hesitation.

Which business should watch out and be alert?

The answer is simple – any company with financial capital can become a victim of such a sophisticated fraud attack.

For example, let’s take banks.

These enterprises store enormous amounts of customer data (apart from the actual funds) – and obviously, a data breach compromising these assets will lead to irreversible consequences.

Financial and reputational losses are inevitable.

It is no wonder, banks are first to implement the latest cybersecurity solutions.

In the 21st century, financial institutions databases store not only the passport data but also the client’s picture – for identity management.

This solid layer of additional security can now be bypassed with the deepfake technology.

Although a majority of face recognition solutions today require additional motion of eyes, nodding by the user or repeating some words/numbers –  even these measures can now be circumvented with deepfake technology.

Currently, image faking is mainly used for political deface or to show the face of a famous actress in a porn film – however it is only a matter of time when cybercriminals will start actively use deepfake technology to deceive businesses.

How to get protected?

The latest biometric technologies based on artificial intelligence, complemented by a certified system of recognition of alive creature (liveness detection), will give companies a chance to prevent unauthorized access to their systems and mitigate the consequences of a successful cyber attack.

Source: Forbes

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