What’s wrong with smart devices?

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Who doesn’t dream of a smart home? Just imagine you wake up in the morning, and the coffee is already brewed, the robot vacuum has cleaned, your favorite music is on, the fridge has ordered the missing food in the supermarket, the curtains opened, showing beautiful views outside. Only cybersecurity experts don’t dream about this because they understand the threats that IoT devices can have. Think of it like about professional phobia.


Specialists of nCipher interviewed 1.8 thousand experts in the field of cybersecurity from 14 countries and found out their fears. 68% of IT professionals are concerned that cybercriminals may simply change the functions of an attacked IoT device. 54% of respondents are worried that smart gadgets may be controlled by cybercriminals. 36% of respondents admitted that they are afraid of possible espionage through Internet-connected devices. The same percentage of experts are worried that their money may be stolen from them. 24% reported their fears of personal information leakage. 21% are afraid that cyber pranksters will hack into their smart toilets. One out of five respondents fears that their enemies might hack into their home thermostats.


These fears and concerns of cybersecurity specialists are reasonable. IoT devices cannot show a high level of security because the security of devices is neglected at the stage of development.

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