TOP Misfortunate Passwords Of Fortune 500 Companies

NordPass experts have named the most misfortunate passwords of Fortune 500 companies.


Researchers analyzed publicly available databases of compromised passwords that affected Fortune 500 companies. A total of 15,603,438 leaks were examined and segmented into 17 industries.


“Even the biggest players are struggling with password security.”

So, what did they find out:


  • How often Fortune 500 companies’ passwords were leaked.
  • What percentage of unique passwords in a particular industry.
  • What are the most popular passwords in the industry?


What they found out:


  • 20% of the passwords were the exact name of the company or one variant of the name.
  • “Vacation” is one of the most popular passwords in the healthcare industry.
  • In the hospitality industry, most passwords were for a company name or variant of it.
  • “Password” is one of the most popular passwords in all industries.
  • HR had the highest percentage of unique passwords at 31%.




1) Retail and e-commerce (number of leaks – 1,345,578; unique passwords – 26%)

  1. password
  2. aaron431
  3. 123456
  4. unknown
  5. shumon
  6. Company name*
  7. abc123
  8. default
  9. ABC123
  10. Company name1*


2) Energy sector (1,176,450 passwords leaked; 28% of unique passwords)

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. aaron431
  4. pa55word
  5. snowman
  6. 12345
  7. linkedin
  8. default
  9. Pa55word
  10. password1


3) Technology and IT (leaks – 2 742 591; unique passwords – 28%)

  1. password
  2. research
  3. 123456
  4. aaron431
  5. Company name76*
  6. linkedin
  7. Company name123*
  8. career121
  9. pass1
  10. password1


4) Healthcare (total number of leaks – 1,424,317; unique passwords – 26%)

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. Company name*
  4. aaron431
  5. 12345
  6. company name2012*
  7. company name2014*
  8. pass1
  9. company name*
  10. Company name*


5) Finance (3 606 310 passwords, unique passwords – 25%)

  1. password
  2. aaron431
  3. 123456
  4. student
  5. default
  6. 13pass13
  7. linkedin
  8. Profit
  9. sunshine
  10. ready2go


6) Telecom (546,592 leaks; 20% of unique passwords)

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. cheer!
  4. password1
  5. 12345678
  6. abc123
  7. unknown
  8. Company name1*
  9. Company name*
  10. 123456789


7)Automotive Industry (461,095 leaks; unique passwords – 28%)

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. aaron431
  4. Company name2002*
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789
  7. default
  8. penispenis
  9. 1234
  10. Company name*


8) Construction and Manufacturing (1,298,703 leaks; unique passwords – 24%)

  1. Company name*
  2. password
  3. aaron431
  4. 123456
  5. Company name eu*
  6. 123ccp
  7. pass1
  8. company name*
  9. Company name*
  10. Company name*


9) Aerospace (485,120 passwords – 485,120 leaks; unique passwords – 28%)

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. aaaaaa
  4. cheezy
  5. 112233
  6. tingwei1
  7. 123456789
  8. 111111
  9. aaron431
  10. Company name*


10) Transportation and Logistics (429,331 leaks; unique passwords – 28%)

  1. Company name*
  2. password
  3. 123456
  4. aaron431
  5. Company name01*
  6. Company name123*
  7. Xxx company name*
  8. linkedin
  9. Company name123*
  10. Company name1*


11) Consumer Goods (942,289 passwords – 942,289 leaks; unique passwords – 27%)

  1. marino
  2. passport
  3. password
  4. Argentina
  5. 123456
  6. aaron431
  7. dummies
  8. Company name*
  9. Chile
  10. pass1


12) Chemical industry (237,593 leaks; unique passwords – 30%)

  1. password
  2. moo123
  3. 123456
  4. aaron431
  5. 12345
  6. linkedin
  7. default
  8. Company name*
  9. pass1
  10. sunshine


13) Agriculture (105,919 leaks; unique passwords – 30%)

  1. password
  2. aaron431
  3. Company name*
  4. 123456
  5. ozzymandius
  6. default
  7. jakubiak
  8. company name*
  9. republic
  10. august


14) Media and Advertising (114,457 leaks; unique passwords – 27%)

  1. password
  2. aaron431
  3. myspace1
  4. jesus1
  5. Company name*
  6. unwantedx1
  7. 123456
  8. default
  9. password1
  10. 4eVer22


15) Hospitality (420,636 passwords – 420,636 leaks; unique passwords – 29%)

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. Company name123 *
  4. Company name*
  5. Company name*
  6. Hello123
  7. Company name 1*
  8. Company name*
  9. company name*
  10. company name1*


16) Real Estate (162,455 passwords, unique passwords – 29%)

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. simon
  4. Company name2012*
  5. aaron431
  6. twilight1
  7. Welcome1
  8. Company name*
  9. simon1
  10. Company name*


17) HR (104,002 leaks; 31% unique passwords)

  1. password
  2. Kenzie14
  3. Company name123*
  4. Company name1234*
  5. welcome1
  6. 123456
  7. Company name*
  8. linkedin
  9. scooter
  10. Password


* This password is a company name or a variant of it (e.g., company name 2002). Experts did not provide the exact name of the company.


Source: NordPass

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